Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Best Part of Me

This has to be one of my FAVORITE writing projects that we have done this year.  Just before Spring Break, we talked about our "favorite parts" - what we liked best about ourselves.  Since we've been learning that magic word BECAUSE, we turned it into an opinion piece!  They told what part they liked, and why.  PRECIOUS.  I can't wait to put these in their end-of-the-year scrapbooks.  

Be still my heart.  

We displayed these for parents on parent/teacher conference night, and they were a hit.  We were inspired by this book - The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald.  You can order it here!

From the kindergarten bus stop to the blog world...

Welcome to my blog!  Since kindergarten, I have had one dream - becoming a kindergarten teacher.  Since college, I have always had the dream of starting my own blog.  Today, it happened.
For the past 14 years, I have lived my dream of being a teacher - 12 of those have been in kindergarten!  I live in the country with my husband and two boys.  I love crafting, cooking, and going on adventures with my boys.  I.  Love.  Kindergarten.  My hope is to share my "teachermom" life with you!